“Reverse the definition, you must. Achieve the success, you will.”

There are many definitions of automation. The one I like to use goes like this: Automation is the use of technology for optimizing processes to accomplish business goals.

There are three main keywords:

  1. Technology
  2. Processes
  3. Business goals

When people want to automate their business, they often start and focus too much on the technology.

But if you want the automation project to be much more effective, try reading the definition in reverse. “Accomplish business goals with processes optimized by the use of technology.”

The reversed definition gives us a clue about the order of a good automation project:

  1. Set the business goals
  2. Define processes
  3. Use technology to optimize the processes

Going in that order gives you a higher chance that automation will be beneficial for your business and not just a costly project.

As Yoda would say: “Reverse the definition, you must. Achieve success, you will.”